
carrd created by fanglike. \

* base prices stated below may increase when requesting backgrounds, additional characters, or excessive detailing.

crests & logos


plants & objects

$5 - $10 Enivorments 25$


Flats 15$ half shade 25$ Full shade 45$ *

full body

Flats 25$ Half shade 45 Full shade 80$ *

commission guidelines &
terms of service

PrincipeArts hope that you will commission with her! First, we must go over some ___guidelines. ___Copyright. Artist reserves the common-law copyright to all works commissioned by Client that are created by the Artist, including all reproduction rights and the right to claim statutory copyright. The Client may reproduce no work without the prior written approval of Artist.Payment Amounts. The parties for the individual artwork will decide selling price. A Fee will be based upon size and complexity of completed work and will be consistent with other comparable works by Artist at the time of sale (sales and specialty deals do not apply.) Parties will agree to price in writing prior to the commencement of the artwork.Payment Terms. A nonrefundable deposit of one-half (50%) of the selling price is required before work commences. However, if the client shows discomfort in paying the start-up fee the artist may offer a very rough sketch in the form of a low-resolution image file (with watermark) before the first payment. If a rough sketch is sent the 50% none refundable selling price will need to be paid before the artist commences work on the commissioned piece. When the artwork is complete The Artist will send a low-resolution image (small file/.jpg) of the finished product with a watermark to the Client. After receiving the watermarked low-resolution image (small file/.jpg) the Client will send the final payment and the Artist will send a full resolution .jpg of the finished image to the Client.Additional Payments. After the Artist sends the Low-resolution image (small file/.jpg) of the finished product with watermark, or all terms/conditions of artwork in the contract have been met upon completion date, each additional revision to the work will cost an extra 10% of the original price.Kill Fee. Under the circumstances, the project/commission is cancelled the client agrees to pay a kill fee. 5% for every hour that was already worked on, of the overall commission price.Artist's Right to Authorship Credit. Artist may use Work in Artist's portfolio (including, but not limited to, any website that displays Artist's works). Commissioner and Artist agree that when asked, Commissioner must properly identify Artist as the creator of Work. Commissioner does not have a proactive duty to display Artist's name together with Work, but the Commissioner may not seek to mislead others that Work was created by anyone other than Artist.Commissioner Accepts Artist's Creative Vision. Commissioner agrees that Artist will complete Work in Artist's creative style at Artist's sole discretion. If Commissioner refuses to receive Work or demands Work be redone Please refer to Section Five and Six.Any dispute regarding this agreement shall be arbitrated in the United States under the rules of U.S. Copyright Act, and any further U.S. laws pertaining to the transaction of Artwork between Artist and Commissioner.* Payment Via Paypal, Cash, Art Trade, etc…
* I have the right to cancel and refuse a commission.

You can contact me through any of these mediums, though I
recommended you contact me through discord, as that is checked daily.
Discord: Tigergiri#0744
Instagram: @Principearts
Email: [email protected]